The Quest Begins Soon!

My name is Jason Augustus Newcomb, and I’m the creator of The New Hermetics, a system of personal development combining ancient Magick with modern approaches such as hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Very soon, I am going to be embarking upon a journey, cycling from the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States.

I will be attempting to reach the Pacific Ocean from Florida in 30 days or less.

The main reason for my quest is to demonstrate that literally anything is possible if you put your mind to it. If I can pedal a cycle 3,000 miles across the United States, there is nothing that cannot be done; I’m a slightly overweight middle-aged man in mediocre physical condition. I want to prove to you that if I can do this, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

Along the way, I will be stopping in town centers, street corners, and shopping plazas along the way to give brief presentations and transformative interventions using The New Hermetics.

I will also hopefully be stopping at New Age and Magickal shops along the way to meet and make connections with the proprietors and their customers. I want to find out what makes each shop unique.

Please follow me on my journey. I will be posting regular video updates, twitter updates, and Facebook. I appreciate your inspiration, your support, and your enthusiasm.

Those who support my IndieGoGo campaign will receive special updates.


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Nothing is Impossible Everything Can Happen